mercredi 1 mai 2013

New roses from China

Section 7 of the subgenus Eurosa, that is to say, the Chinese, Chinenses includes three species whose introduction in England, four plants of Rosa chinensis Slater's Crimson China (= Miss Lowe's) in 1772, Parsons 'pink China (= Old blush China) in 1773, Hume's blush tea scented China in 1809 and Parks' yellow tea scented China (R. indica sulphurea) in 1835, completely changes the history of European cultivated rose up with the character of the flowering. After 1781, the Bengal still happens as red rose. These are not wild species, but varieties grown in the gardens of China, Rosa chinensis selections or hybrids of Rosa chinensis × Rosa gigantea which adds a yellow chinensis Rosa Park's Yellow Tea-scented China in 1824. Their intersection with the roses of Europe will bring up hundreds of new roses.
It is the Duchess of Portland who gets the first cross with a red rose in China: "Portland roses" were born. At the same time, Louisiana, crossing a musk rose and a rose of China given by Louis Claude Hazel is the origin of "Noisette roses" (Blush Noisette, Mrs. Alfred Carrière). Reunion and the intersection of Rosa chinensis Old blush and a rose of Damascus Four Seasons sign the late arrival of the "Bourbon roses" (Zéphirine Drouhin, Souvenir de la Malmaison).

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