mercredi 1 mai 2013

The roses in the Middle East

Thibaud IV, Count of Champagne and King of Navarre returns in 1240 of a crusade that has not allowed him to reach the holy places but relates Rosa gallica officinalis it does grow in Provins, hence its name "Provins rose "10.
Then there are the roses of Damascus who reported the Crusades. They are of two kinds, early, hybrids of Rosa gallica Rosa × Phoenicia and late, hybrids of Rosa gallica Rosa moschata ×
At the end of the sixteenth century, on the one hand Rosa foetida is imported from Persia to Europe, and on the other hand rose from Europe arrive in North America where there virginania Rosa, Rosa and Rosa carolina setigera. Until then mutations and hybridizations are spontaneous. Thus, in the seventeenth century, a transformation of Rosa gallica shows the "roses hundred sheets" Rosa centifolia with a mutation in the eighteenth century gives the "sparkling rose '(Rosa moschata).
In the General History of Plants by John Gerard, published in 1633, are mentioned only eighteen kinds of roses, red, pink and white (Rosa x alba) until the end of the eighteenth century there was in Europe and the Mediterranean some thirty species.

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